Restaurants, Food & Beverages
The Optimist Cafe
The Optimist Cafe is more than just a cafe, it's an intention. Our mission is to create community and relationships in a space that is welcoming, safe and always smells amazing!The Optimist Cafe is more than just a cafe, it's an intention. Our mission is to create community and relationships in a space that is welcoming, safe and always smells amazing!
McDonald's of Jaffrey
Hours of operation: 5:00 am to midnight Monday - SundayHours of operation: 5:00 am to midnight Monday - Sunday
Jaffrey VFW Post #5613
Commander: Rick Lambert. The Jaffrey VFW is the right place at the right price! Kitchen privileges, banquet hall, full bar privileges, conference center, weddings, funerals, celebrations of life.Commander: Rick Lambert. The Jaffrey VFW is the right place at the right price! Kitchen privileges, banquet hall, full bar privileges, conference center, weddings, funerals, celebrations of life.