Restaurants, Food & Beverages
Jaffrey VFW Post #5613
Commander: Rick Lambert. The Jaffrey VFW is the right place at the right price! Kitchen privileges, banquet hall, full bar privileges, conference center, weddings, funerals, celebrations of life.Commander: Rick Lambert. The Jaffrey VFW is the right place at the right price! Kitchen privileges, banquet hall, full bar privileges, conference center, weddings, funerals, celebrations of life.
McDonald's of Jaffrey
Hours of operation: 5:00 am to midnight Monday - SundayHours of operation: 5:00 am to midnight Monday - Sunday
The Optimist Cafe
The Optimist Cafe is more than just a cafe, it's an intention. Our mission is to create community and relationships in a space that is welcoming, safe and always smells amazing!The Optimist Cafe is more than just a cafe, it's an intention. Our mission is to create community and relationships in a space that is welcoming, safe and always smells amazing!